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Illustration: Di Renjie
Illustration: Robert van Gulik and Bubu
Illustration: Judge Dee


Stories on Chinese Detectives

A Preliminary Bibliography

The following list contains some material which I got to know by being interested in the topic and - of course - by accident. I did not do any systematic research. If you know more material in the field, you are invited to send me an e-mail. On this page, you will not find entries on books by Robert Hans van Gulik, for as these will be the theme of another one.

BAUER, Wolfgang :
Die Leiche im Strom : Die seltsamen Kriminalfälle des Meisters Bao / Übersetzt und vorgestellt von Wolfgang Bauer. Mit zeitgenössischen chinesischen Illustrationen. -
[The Corpse in the River : The Strange Criminal Cases of Master Bao]
Freiburg ; Basel ; Wien : Herder, 1992. - 238 p. : 10 Illustrations. -
Bao Gong An, Selections, German
ISBN 3-451-22598-0
CHIN, Yin-lien C. ; CENTER, Yetta S. ; ROSS, Mildred :
"The Stone Lion" and Other Chinese Detective Stories : The Wisdom of Lord Bau / by Yin-lien C. Chin ; Yetta S. Center ; Mildred Ross. Illustrations by Lu Wang. -
First edition. -
Armonk (New York) ; London : M.E. Sharp, 1992. - X, 165 p. : 20 drawings. -
(An East Gate Book)
Lung t'u kung an, Selections, English
ISBN 0-87332-634-2 (cloth) - 0-87332-635-0 (paper)
These ten narrations from the Longtu gongan are about BAO Reng, born 999 in Hefei County, Anhui Province, during the reign of Emperor Ren Zhong of the Northern Song Dynasty.
The Strange Cases od Magistrate Pao / by L. Comber. -
Ruland, 1964. -
MERKEL, Johannes [Ed.] :
Die Braut im Brunnen : Kriminalgeschichten aus dem alten China / edited by Johannes Merkel. -
[The Bride in the Well : Criminla Stories from old China]
1. Ed.
München : Weismann Verlag ; Frauenbuch Verlag, 1989. - 182 p. -
ISBN 3-88897-139-X
Chinesische Novellen
[Chinese Novels] / by H. Rudelsberger. -
Wien, 1924. -

To mention it, there are also stories on a Japanese detective:

AAFJES, Bertus :
Der Diebstahl im Teehaus : Die Fälle des weisen Richters Ooka. mit Farbholzschnitten von Utagawa Hiroschige
[The Theft in the Tea-House : The Cases of the Wise Judge Ooka. With coloured woodcuts by Utagawa Hiroshige]
/ by Bertus Aafjes. Translated from the Dutch Original by Mirjam Pressler.
First Edition. -
Freiburg im Breisgau : Herder, 1983. - 160 p. : Illustrations. -
(Edition Herder ; Vol. 14)
Rechter Ooka Mysteries, Sections, German
ISBN 3-451-23451-3
Cases solved by Judge Ooka (1677 - 1751, full name Ooka Echizen no Kami Tadasuke). Ooka has been magistrate of Jamada, later of Edo (which is the former name of Tokio), where he founded the famous fire brigade.
Solomon in Kimono / by J. C. Edmonds
Mentioned by B. Aafjes, said to contain twenty stories about Judge Ooka.


This page is part of a webring on Robert van Gulik, Di Renjie & Judge Dee, designed by some enthusiasts. The pages are located on different sites. The index of the webring is located at External Link (will be shown in a new window of your browser):


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