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Information on Di Renjie, Robert van Gulik, and Judge Dee
These pages are on Robert Hans van Gulik, Dutch ambassador to East Asia, and on Judge Dee, a Chinese detective, on whom Gulik wrote marvelous novels. Yet also on Di Renjie, the historical magistrate of Tang-times. In particular, you will find here:
- Judge Dee
Pictures by Robert van Gulik, which are missing in the German translation of the novel "The Chinese Lake Murders".
- A chronology of Judge Dee novels by Robert van Gulik.
- Webpages on Robert Hans van Gulik and Judge Dee.
- Stories on Chinese detectives - a preliminary bibliography.
- Literature on Chinese detectives - a preliminary bibliography.
"The Conflagration of the Temple in Jiangling": A Di Renjie story from the "Extensive Gleanings of the Reign of Great Tranquility" (Taiping guangji) 298/3.
- "A Fearless Prefect": This is the German translation of a story titled "Di Renjie" from the Chinese compilation Taiping guangji 329/8.
This page is part of a webring on Robert van Gulik, Di Renjie & Judge Dee, designed by some enthusiasts. The pages are located on different sites. The index of the webring is located at
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